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divendres, 7 de març del 2014


3B students
How did you feel the first day in our school? Did you thing about us?
I was very tired because I flew from the US.

How would you describe this small island? Have you visit any wonderful place here?
I think Mallorca is a very beautiful island. I like hiking so I've been to many places as Soller, Valldemosa.

What's your job? Are you a teacher in the USA?
Before I came here, I was a manafer at a Restaurant. Before I had been a server.

Do you have any useful suggestion to improve ours English lesson? Should we do a speaking more often?
Good question. Everyting you do trying to imporve is good. You have good teachers. Learning a language is difficult, I know because I'm learning Spanish.

Which is your favorite sport?
I like many sports as basketball, soccer, were there many good soccer players. I like tennis though. I'm not very good at ping pong too. I like many sports.

What have you studied?
In de USA the school system is different. At universities you have a major which is what you study more.

Do you like the beaches of Mallorca?
Yes! There are nacked people and I'm not uset to that.

Where have you been? Except of Mallorca.
Honestly, I haven't travelled very much. I think it's a little more difficult to travel when you are in the US. The US is “huge” and I travelled within the US. I travelled to Costa Rica and London too.

Which are your wishes for this year?
My wishes: learn Spanish fluently, see this island and help my majorcan friends to learn English.

If you go back when you were a child. Would you imagine that you would be in Mallorca answering an interview?
I didn't know about Majorca when I was a child but I'm grad now because it's beautiful.

Do you like reading? If you really like it, what's your favorite book? And your favorite writer?
Imposible, I can’t do that. I love to read. I haven’t read many Spanish or Mayorcan writers yet.

What type of music do you often listen? What's your favorite singer? And your favorite song?
Again, I don’t have favorites. I like everytipe of music escept produced music.

Which was your favorite subject in your High school?
I liked English. I don’t like maths very much, and I like history too.

Do you like Mallorca's food? What is your favorite?
Yes, I like Mallorcan food. I tried “arros brut” I like all food, I like to eat.

What player you think will win the gold ball?
There are a lot of football player but my favorite is Cristiano Ronaldo.

What is your favorite place?
My favorite place is Cala Rajada in Mallorca.

What type of music do you like?
My favorite type of music is pop.

What is your favorite party?
I don't know because I only stay here about three months.

Who is your favorite basketball player?
I can talk a lot of basketball but I think American basketball is better than European basketball.

Which is your favorite country in the world?
There are a lot of countries in the world.

Why did you choose this job?
Good question. I wanted to travel and experience the world I'm wakes this is a beautiful place. Sometimes it's harder to do. Sometimes it's because of language. I wanted to help people and experience languages and cultures.

What do you do in your free time?
Honestly I study Spanish, hang out with my friends, play ping pong, go hiking...

Do you like go fishing in Mallorca?
I usually never go fishing, but I like and if I'm going to try to catch fish with hands.

What languages do you speak?
English, and a little bit of spanish.

What is your favourite football soccer team?
I don't really have a favourite football team. I like spanish soccer. Football here means more than just sport, is not the same in the USA.

Mark's question: Where is the first place you would like to visit talking about english speaking countries?
North Carolina, NY.

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